Are your spell's effects diminishing? Read on.
Greetings, If you are wondering where I have been when it comes to posting on this blog, I have been working on a plethora of projects on my craft. And all are coming to fruition very very nicely. This is a topic that I have been asked to do for quite some time, and I think this is a topic that everyone wants answers to. The question I usually get asked is this: "Why does it feel like the effects of the spell diminish over time? It seems like things were going so smoothly, then things died down. What's going on!?" The answer is both simple, and a bit difficult to explain, but hang on and read on if you want the answer. Spellwork is the manipulation of energy, and the work of mutual pacts between caster and entity. It's an art, as well as a science in their own right. There are two major elements when it comes to spellwork and making spellwork.. well.. work. Energy and Intention. These two elements are the bread and butter of spellcasting. Without these two crucial ele