Meditation - Underrated and underappreciated
Chances are, if you've ever worked with me you've been asked to meditate. This goes especially to my repeat clients. I always get the occasional question of "Why?" Why meditate? What's so good about meditation? Well, the truth is; Meditation is such an underrated tool, that we tend to overlook it way too often. Meditation is so powerful, that I can assure anyone who practices it well and often will find success in most, if not all of their endeavors. Why do we overlook it though? The main reason why many do is because.. It's really tedious. Yes, even I think so too. It's a mind exercise for clearing the mind, and tapping into our inner (And higher) self. We live in a world where it's the norm to be in a fast paced environment. None of this sitting-down and contemplating stuff! Most people don't have time (Bad excuse, you just don't want to make time for it) to really practice it. When really, most of the answers they seek can be found in medita...