The "Djinndustry" - An honest narrative/Rant on how Djinn work, and the truth to spirit keeping.

I think it's safe to say that somewhere down the road you're going to come across a listing, or listings that will tell you they're selling a Djinn bound to an object. Right as you're reading the listing, whilst looking at it's vessel; Thoughts of Aladdin, and other hollywood garbage starts flowing through your mind.

"Wow! A real Genie?! Imagine the possibilities!" You think to yourself. You're probably thinking you just hit the spiritual jackpot, the universal lottery. Every desire and whim is going to be yours! Soon enough you buy the vessel.. And then another one.. And then another one.. and so forth, and so forth until you start realizing that now you have just a bunch of junk sitting around. Your promises of riches, fame and fortune shattered, and you've made a complete ass out of yourself. Welcome to the Djinndustry, where people looking to make a quick-buck are out by the truckload.

Listen, The idea of being a Master to a Djinn is going to sound magical to anyone's ears. And I can't blame you if the next listing is going to look irresistible. It sounds real, doesn't it? Take caution. Seriously. Take Caution.

Djinn are powerful beings. They're not toys, and they're nowhere close to the Genie that Robin Williams voiced in that famous movie. They're creatures with free will, and are without a doubt much more powerful than any normal schmuck on the road. That being said; If they're sentient, and way more powerful than you. Why would they want to help you? Better question to ask is; Why wouldn't they want to mess with you?
Let me be one of the first to tell you that establishing a partnership with a Djinn takes guts, and some good spiritual education. There has to be a mutual exchange of respect, and trust between spirit, and person. (See how I don't say Master?) If you can understand that a Djinn has every reason not to listen to you, or be your "slave", then you're mentally capable of working with one.. to some degree.

Before I go deeper on the topic of working with Djinn in the first place: Let me just drop a bit of a spiritual bombshell for you all who are actively looking to find the vessel of your dreams:

I want you to observe every single Djinn listing out there. So what's wrong with them? WELL look at all of them! There's so many listings of Djinn Vessels on the web! You're telling me that an entity that has the power to BEND the very fabrics of the third dimension, give spiritual council, mentor, and grant wishes is being sold in bulk? Are you out of your fucking mind? Pardon my French, but the Djinn ring industry is 99% garbage, and false promises.
Something so rare, and so powerful isn't going to be sold over the Internet at such a high quantity.
Common sense isn't so common these days, so let me just debunk a majority of the garbage that's being sold over the web.

Mind you, don't get me wrong. Djinn vessels are very real. And they do exist. I have sold four in my lifetime for a small amount of individuals. FOUR. Not twenty, not five-hundred. FOUR. Do you have any clue how rare these are? Three out of those four were previously owned! It's not like I just waved a wand, and poof! A Djinn ring came up.

Seeing such a bulk amount of Djinn listings being sold over the web is just laughable. You're telling me that this PLASTIC BEAD that is probably only worth a few cents houses an almighty, All-powerful Djinn? Fuck off.

I'm sickened by how far people are pushing this exchange. Preying on vulnerable people who are hoping for change in their life out to buy snake-oiled wholesale trash.

Take note, This rant isn't here to give people the green light to think that I'm the only reputable seller. In fact, I'm not even asking you to believe that I am.  This is a rant for you to understand that you MUST do your due diligence, and think hard on what's actually out there. There are definitely individuals out there looking to find their Djinn vessel a new owner. Be careful and use some common sense in the process of understanding that you have to learn to think for yourself.

Onto more criticism of the industry.. Ahem; Djinndustry.
Let's start with something very simple. Djinn are very sentient creatures. They reside on their own non-physical plane of existence. They feel just like we do, and they have desires. Now let's say that a Djinn agrees to have a vessel linked to them to grant them access between our plane of existence and theirs...

Why the fuck would it be a plastic bead? Or a crappy piece of a wholesale, stainless steel, gaudy fashion ring? If it's going to be jewelry, Wouldn't it be.. Oh, I don't know..

REAL JEWELRY? You know. The gold and silver stuff. Precious stones and all?

Let's think a little on this. Djinn actually know the value they're worth, and know the values that their vessels are. Hell, I'm going to hate myself for saying this; But you can even look at the folkore, and fairytales too! They're all housed in golden oil lamps, Golden rings owned by kings, Beautifully cut stones, the list goes on! So.. your Djinn just happens to be some compromising chum that can settle on a crummy bead? Get real.

With that out of the way. Let's observe how I've seen listings describing these Entities.
Every now and then some genius tries to reinvent the wheel on listing their wholesale fashion pieces
Djinn Vessels, and gives them these revolting descriptions. Talking about how they have Vampire Djinn, Mermaid Djinn, Rainbow Diamond Djinn, so on, and so forth. Let's drop those revolting names. There's only two ways to classify Djinn, and that's through their sub-species, as well as social status within their realm.

Let's start with something really Simple. Sub-species.


That's it. Nothing else. No Succubus Djinn, No Incubus, Vampire, Mermaid, Unicorn, Demon, Wolf, Fairy, or Serpent. All of that Naming trash is just out there to cloud the judgment of those uninformed.

As for social class it's rather simple, as Djinn have been speculated to have a Monarchy in their realm. Meaning, Kings, Queens, etc.
Please lose the other cultural bullshit. There's no Crystal King, Quartz Queen, or any of the sort.
Easy? Easy.

Moving on I think it's fair with this information you can get past these penny-pinching roleplayers out there who are trying to snag a few quid out of you. Be wise with your money, and play it smart. There's really no secret to this. Shame on those who try to sell garbage to people. There are honest spirit workers out there that are being buried by your crap. As much as I'd like to play my hand and deal a hard blow, I'd rather not waste my time on petty listing wars. My role as a magus, and sorcerer is for the good of the community, not to outearn some sleazy-con.



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