Spellwork Etiquette

Wow, Not often do you see people post about etiquette on requesting spellwork, huh?

This is a post only meant to reflect on what I find ideal in a client that I work with. I have a lot of wonderful clients out there that practice these great habits when they work with me, and with it; I really like to share what I see as etiquette to working with me in spellwork.

Take note that there are still a lovely bunch of all of you who are great clients through and through, and that this post does not reflect that "Only those who follow this are good clients".

Without further ado, let's talk about some simple etiquette when working with me.

  • Be polite. It's as simple as that. Being a respectful person not only makes this easier, but it makes it much simpler to establish a good connection with the client. Knowing there's a mutual exchange of respect gives me confidence that I can work with you, and that I can gauge that you can reason with what I can teach you.
  • Use punctuation when speaking to me. It's a bit of a nitpick, but I like it when my messages and emails come out legible, and easy to understand. Good communication is necessary in my work, and knowing what message you're trying to convey is a good thing. Knowing that I have clients from all over the world; I understand that not everyone is an ace at english, And that's okay! Truly and honestly just keeping the message simple, and doing your best is more than enough for me. However I do get the occasional native english speaker who will talk "lik dis nd nt tlk properly cuz thre lazy" And that's something I cannot take seriously. If you're serious in your situation, show it by writing out full words. All I ask is that we keep messages readable.
  • When I give directions post-spellwork, actually do them. I do have the occasional client who whines and complains about some task that I gave them to do to complete a ritual. They talk and whine about how inconvenient it is, or how hard it is, and continue to get mad at me telling me that their spellwork isn't working, When I clearly told them that following those directions are important. Listen, people. You can't cut corners in spellwork. Half-assed actions will yield half-assed results. What are you expecting? I have little tolerance for complainers who whine about doing difficult things. Trust me, If your need, and want to succeed is strong enough: Chances are you will follow the directions. That being said, to the whiners; Maybe what you wanted isn't really a priority to you.
  • Take your arguments elsewhere. Every now and then, someone is going to want to debate with me on their beliefs, and what they did, or didn't do. I'm always open for people discussing, and putting everything on the table when it comes to what's working, and what's not. But what I'm not here for is someone who tries to pick a verbal fight with me and take me to their debate club. If there is something conflicting with you, know about it before working with me. I'm not here to contemplate or speculate the nature of the universe with you. My time needs to be respected, and my other clients' times need to be respected as well.
  • Don't lie about past spellwork! Or don't lie in general! Many spellcasters talk about this often: DO NOT attempt to let a spell conflict with another spell. Take note that we are not trying to drive business away from other spellcasters. Doing multiple love spells from multiple casters isn't going to help your situation! Spells will clash! And you could be putting your situation in more danger because of it! That being said, Don't lie about past spellwork. And don't lie about additional spellwork being done by another caster. As someone who owns a booth on bonanza, I can see who you've worked with, as well as the dates they were casted on. Just show some honesty on the matter, as lying will not make your situation any easier.
  • Lose the ego, and delusion. Every now and then; Chances are somewhere down the road I may say something that you may not like. I may divine on something you may not like. It may be something you didn't want to hear, but it will be something that you needed to hear. I'm here to say that spellwork isn't for the faint of the heart, nor that it's for those who fear the truth. You are going to hear things that won't make you happy. I'm not going to lie to you just to make you feel better for five minutes, I'm going to tell you the truth. Learn to handle it, and lose the Reader-itis.
    What is reader-itis you ask? Reader itis is one of those odd habits some people get. They'll go from reader to reader, and ask the same question, and keep going to different readers until one of thems says what they want to hear. For example; A man wants to know which girl he should marry: The Blonde, or the Brunette. Deep down he really wants to marry the Brunette. However the Brunette is terrible for him. The man then goes from reader to reader asking "Who should I marry? The Blonde or the Brunette?" And with it; all the readers can pick up from the get-go that he should Marry the Blonde girl, as they have envisioned that he will be much happier in the long run. The Man continues to search for readers until one of them says he should marry the Brunette. And with that, the man then concludes that this reader is the only good reader, and that all the other past readers are bad readers.
    You would be surprised how often this happens. Trust me on this. Reader-itis isn't a good thing. The truth is a hard pill to swallow, but I can assure you that the truth will set you free.



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