How to handle a love spell & how to not screw it up

I'll be honest. Love spells are quite possibly my most requested medium of spellwork, evocation, and other such things. I guess it's safe to say that people are willing to go incredible lengths just to gain the affections of someone that they favor. However, matters of the heart can be quite possibly the trickiest to work with. They're fragile cases that can't be toyed with. It's nothing like that of a money spell, or something made for protection. We're dealing with someone's emotions here.

Before I go any further, I really want to clear up any myths that may be attributed towards love spells. Whenever I see people investing in things such as love spells, they act on a serious emotional impulse. It seems these days "The most attractive features of a love spell wins" And for that I can't blame you if something sounds really good on listing. Please, if you're ever considering spellwork, rootwork, conjurework, evocation done on your case; MAKE A SOUND AND LOGICAL DECISION. I am not fucking around here. Love spells have the potential to be an incredibly dangerous tool to use. Without further ado;

  • Love spells are not made to alter free will. I don't care who says it. You can't alter free will. The furthest that can be done is to create, and grow someone's love. But you CANNOT have them to be your prisoner of mind-control. There is absolutely no such thing. If anyone ever promises something like that of mind-control, Controlling their free will, or any of the sort. Don't buy into it. It just doesn't happen with love spells. Please make sure that there is proper reasoning here.
  • Love spells have the potential to become incredibly dangerous if done on the wrong people. Buyer beware indeed. Make sure that the person of your affections isn't batshit crazy. No really. I have had cases of clients being stalked, and even physically hurt by their targets sometimes if the person they're trying to attract is not the most mentally stable person out there. I am serious when I say this. Love spells can Wreck. Your. Shit. Always play it as rational as possible when attempting to attract someone.
  • Love spells don't give you free reign to be a piece of shit. One thing that bothers me a lot is that there are some people out there that want to "secure" someone's affections using love spells, so that they have someone they can stick to while they go out and be unfaithful shits. I'm genuinely not cool with that. Look, you can have whatever moral compass you want, but I'm going to choose where my spellwork goes. Love spells are not a free pass to be a cheater.
  • Love spells are not sex spells. Wow weird right? Erotic love, and romantic love are completely different types of energies on the spectrum. It's the reason why some can hook up, and not feel anything, while others can't. If you want your mate to be a sex-crazed lunatic; love spells are not the venue. However, they can open up channels to allow it, and make for more loving sexual relationships, but these are not the type of spells to go for if you're just looking for a quick shag with the girl who works at HR. 

So with that all said. Let's think of the scenario that you have a love spell casted for your person of desire. Things just started, and you really don't want the spell to mess up. So how do you handle it properly? Here are some things you really need to watch for when it comes to love spells.

  • Keep your cool, and be yourself. Some like to think that love spells will reinforce and give them the green light to confess their burning love for someone right off the bat. Maybe in some cases, but in most cases; I really don't recommend you jump the gun right away. Let the spell take it's course.
  • DON'T attempt to make them jealous. Not only is it absolutely dickish, but childish in my opinion. You're looking to make a mate for life? This is not the avenue to take. Making someone jealous has two ways of messing up your relationship with this person. First one is that you could completely shut them off. Some will not respond to jealousy as well, and may just give up on you, hurt, and sad that you preyed on an insecurity of theirs. Second is that they may get really jealous.. and yes, maybe fall for you harder. But that type of love will diminish quickly. You're not going to get much out of it. You'll have them insecure throughout the entire relationship and make them feel like you have the slight chance of turning your back on them, and possibly cheating. Not cool. Don't do it.
  • Don't attempt to play mind games. Your target might, but this won't give you the green light that you should. People will interpret things differently, and that includes you trying to send them mixed signals. What may look like a smart tactic to have them want to be around you more could end up having someone completely read it wrong. Like I said, people interpret things differently. Don't expect the same reactions out of everyone.
  • Don't DO NOTHING. Sitting around waiting for your love to just knock on your door, and fuck your brains out while asking you to marry them isn't gonna happen. You do need to actually pursue them you know? They also need to know you exist for fuck's sake.
  • Don't get so riled up about their other endeavors. Every now and then I get people sending me panic emails on their target talking to other people of the opposite sex, insecurity, or them even going on dates with other people. Chill. I hope you do realize that people do date other people. This doesn't mean it's all over, it just means that they're also exploring. Stop playing it so egotistical and selfish, you already have the upper hand. Be confident you're going to get them, instead of worrying about some deadweight that they're having lunch with. 
Now with all of this being said. I do hope this sheds some light on the matters of the heart.



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