Spellwork will never make you win the lottery

On a daily basis I get asked if I could help someone win the lottery. They usually point to a money spell, or a wealth spell somewhere on my booth, or they email me from my main website asking me if there is such thing.

I really want to slam the final nail on the coffin on the case for lotteries, and other similar public draws of chance. This is to keep those who read this well educated, and informed.

No spellwork will ever help you win millions of dollars through the lottery. None.
I don't care how strong you think the spell is, or how strong the magus thinks the spell is; You're not going to win the lottery on spellwork. It's just not going to happen.

Why? Well let's start with something really easy. It always perplexes me anytime someone approaches me with the question of lotteries. They ask it like they think they're the only one who thought about it. How often do you think people incorporate the occult with lotteries? Do you think it's something done rarely? Some esoteric secret that only a 0.0007th of a percent actually know? So how often do most people do it?

All. The. Fucking. Time.

Your idea isn't special, and never was.

"But, James! I saw someone win a Biiig amount on the lottery thanks to this person who casted this spell for them!"

Oh yeah? Fucking try me. Let's take a look at their repeat clients and see how often that truly happens. If someone actually had the power to cast a spell to get others to win the lottery, People would be lining up by the truckloads to have that person wave their little wand on it? You think humankind is good at keeping secrets? For fucks sake it's almost like nothing is safe from the prying eyes of cunning folk. Everyone will find out eventually if that were true. Congrats, you found one lucky Larry playing the poster child for success stories on some money spell caster. I've got plenty, but I'm not putting my clients on full blast just for a quick buck.

My goal as a sorcerer, or a Magus is to be honest with those who work with me. I'm no "pie in the sky" and neither am I going to promise something as stupid as winning the lottery.
So the question is: Why doesn't it work on lotteries?

It's quite simple. The lottery has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years in some way, shape, or form. That being said, it has taken it's time to give itself form on whatever plane it resides in. Now think of all the millions of people putting their intent and energy into this ONE thing. Many will enter, but only one will win. Imagine how much energy is being put into that one thing by millions of people. And out of those millions, a ton of them are consciously projecting energy, spellwork, or any occult form of manipulation to alter their odds of winning. Do you see the chaos that works around in these things? The lottery is the equivalent of a drunken, drugged, frat party orgy of energy. An absolute disaster.

This is why you won't win the grand prize on spellwork alone, unless by absolute and utter chance.

Now what does tick me off a bit is that the majority of those approaching money spells, and wealth spells can't think creatively. They look at the lottery as their only possible medium to make any real money in this world. Like as if businesses, investing, and other career paths can't? Just here to be brutally honest, but I rarely see success stories in those who want me to do a money spell for them over a lottery. It's lazy. Humans always want to take the path of least resistance. It's the reason why many who approach me are facing that sort of poverty in the first place. A lot of you want wealth, but are so damn conditional on how to attain it. You care too much about the journey than the result, and that's why so many of you are caught up into this lazy rich way of thinking.
Stop thinking about how beautiful your journey is going to be, your life is not a fucking John Green novel. Either get resourceful, or stop complaining about your lack of resources. Easy? Easy.

I think a lot of you know I hate sprinkling fairy dust over my words, and playing it like I'm some new age guru. Truth is always going to be a bitter pill to swallow. Spellwork does indeed work, but don't play it stupid that you think all it takes is a wave of a wand, and all of your troubles go away.



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