Let's talk about Negative Feedback

I've actually been wanting to cover this topic for quite some time, but never got around it due to time constraints, working with other clients, and other topics that seemed to have fetched a higher priority than this one. But due to the recent happening as of late, I feel like this is something worth addressing.

So as of yesterday, In my 20+ years of practice, I've received my first ever negative feedback. I guess there is a first for everything, don't you think?

Now there's a couple of things I really want to talk about when it comes to something along the lines of negative feedback. I want to make it very clear that I am not someone who doesn't like negative feedback. I think constructive criticism is important in anyone's practice, and gives others a better perspective on what strengths and weaknesses to work on. But one thing I do have a bone to pick about when it comes to negative feedback, are the ones that are hostile in nature, offer no substance, and just flat out try to put the practitioner in a negative light.

Now, this being said. Those who are to work with me, or are working with me usually have some fundamental understanding on the practice of Magick, and evocation. There are also some who don't have that understanding, but are also willing to learn, and can be guided.

When you work with me, there is a mutual expectation that is needed when it comes to something like spellwork. If there's anything that I hold to high regard, it's that communication is absolutely necessary. When something doesn't feel right, or when your situation doesn't seem like it's improving, or if there is any issue at hand that is bothering you; You tell me of these things. You keep me updated on your situation, and I do my best to accommodate to changes in your case. This is not negotiable. This is your case. You want it to succeed and, flourish? Then it's important you keep in touch with the very caster that worked with you.

When you see no signs of improvement, it does not warrant a green light to slander me, nor is it in any way a reason to disrespect me. Something as easy as sending me a message, and telling me of the problem is all you need to do. Spellwork is not a fly-by-night process, and nor is it the simple "Wave of a wand" and poof your situation is magically fixed. Spellwork is complicated, and needs care.

I'm not here to entertain anyone's problematic behavior when it comes to their situation. Jumping to conclusions, calling me a fake, or a fraud just because things didn't go your way is not only unprofessional, but reflects on how poorly you handle problems. I'm not easy to anger, nor frustrate. And I'm quite calm in every situation I deal with. All you have to do is simply send me a message over what's wrong, and that's really all you have to do from there. Honesty is all I really ask. And a mature client is highly respected.

In my decades of work, I always have done what is requested. Talk about the situation, consult with spirit, gather materials, do the ritual, consult on the client, follow up, and from there if anything needs further action; we maintain that line of communication. I have many clients out there to vouch for my work being genuine, and real. And I have many people out there who follow my work, and thank me for the service I have done for them.

My validity, and authenticity does not need to be debated. My track record has always reflected on the quality of work I've done. I have the right to be vocal about what I feel is wrong or right, just as you do. I am not afraid of defending myself, or my practice. And will take serious measures if ever necessary. Besides being a spellcaster, or a magus: I'm a human being before anything else. Just like you have every right to call me out, I too have every right to call you out on the situation at hand.
All this being said. We are all adults here, and I expect nothing more but a good exchange of mutual respect.

Thank you to all who read this.



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